P-Comp: Week 8 – Final Brainstorming

I am still unsure on what the exact details of my final will be but I have found myself gravitating towards adult play.  There are a few parts to this.  The first is giving a lack of instructions.  I like the idea that an adult will use their curiousity to test out things when they aren’t given step by step directions.  Also, I like having an aspect that would make someone do something that would normally considered strange (for example, make a strange noise or move in an odd way.)  The final part is the physical touch of it.  I want to have something that feels good to touch so it makes people want to play with it.

With that being said, this is some of the ideas that I came up with:



One idea is the Music Grass.  This is an idea that was thought of with Paula Ceballos.  We discussed having some form of strings that when you touch them, they create a light and a certain note.  As this idea was discussed, we branched off into a couple other ideas.  One that I liked is a musical instrument made out of “grass.”  For this, it would use EL wire to create light when you touched it. Then using a mapping function we can have different types of sounds come out depending on where you touched it.  Theoretically, you would be able to play it as the user learns where to touch it to get a certain sound.  Another aspect of this idea is that it is scalable with the number of wires and placement.  The sensor to use is still not completely clear but I am toying with idea of capacitive touch.

Another idea is to take old fashioned toys and add a level of technology to them.  An example of this is making an etch-a-sketch that uses volume and frequency to control it.  I previously did this in ICM using just a digital etch-a-sketch but I could add in a motor to move a physical etch-a-sketch and have a microphone attached.


A final idea that is Sand Band.  Sand Band is essentially a sand box that would have sensors on the side and play music/sound based on the height and position of the user’s “sand castle.”  For this, I think the challenges would be figuring out the sensors and how to create a nice noise.  For the sensor, I am currently thinking I could use a proximity sensor to base it on the depth and have multiple ones around the box with different distances so where you “played” would have different notes.  In regards to the nice noise, I could either have a delay in the note or possibly just have a specific sound playing that would repeat.  An inspiration for this is Gilles Azzaro turned a 39-second snippet of President Obama’s 2013 State of the Union address.   However, I don’t think this has a sensor that is actually reading the wave forms.

9 Amazing Pieces of Art Sculpted Entirely by 3D Printer




Update: Another Reference for Sand Band

Week 7: Midterm – TrumpPong with Joysticks

For our Midterm, Lisa and I decided to adapt her Trump Pong project to work using physical parts.  We started by easily adapting potentiometers to each of the paddles (shown in the video below.)

Trump Pong with Potentiometer Test 1 from Lindsey Frances on Vimeo.

While it was easy to adapt at first, we found some troubles with the serial monitor.  At first, we tried to add in a handshake between arduino and p5.  While this helped with getting rid of the delay of the trump ball, we still ran into issues with not being able to play and receive data into p5 once the sketch was closed out.  After meeting with Sam, he was able to install a server fix that now consistently works.  Since the code works, we attached the components to the box Lisa made and now have our own personal trump arcade game with joystick:

IMG_2006 2




Here is a link to our codes.

ICM: Week 8- Sweater Weather

This week I have not been feeling well and decided to use this as my inspiration.  I am still learning when to bring a sweater or not.  Therefore, I bring you Sweater Weather.

Sweater Weather

If your city is below 70 Degrees F, it will tell you to bring a sweater:

Sweater Weather - NYC

If you are lucky enough to be in the warmth, it will tell you to leave it:

Sweater Weather - Cancun

Similar ideas to this are Swacket and IsTheLTrainFucked.

PComp: Week 6 – Serial and P5

This week we combined our Arduino and P5.  The labs gave me a lot of difficulty at first.  I had multiple issues from P5 freezing or quitting unexpectingly to the graphing lab not working because I didn’t plug in the wires but the most frustrating thing about this lab is that it will work and then suddenly not work.  By that, I mean that I was able to get the graphing lab to work (see video below) then I would simply close the window to rerun the program and it would not work.  Is this due to the delay in the arduino? Does it need to be longer?

Graphing with P5 and Arduino from Lindsey Frances on Vimeo.


I tried to be a little more ambitious and connect my ICM assignment this week with this assignment.  The original P5 looks like the below video.  I tried to change the first slider which changes the x value of the bezier and creates a different type of “wing.”

Butterflies from Lindsey Frances on Vimeo.

Here is my code and my video of the application in use is:

Butterflies with Potentiometer from Lindsey Frances on Vimeo.

I ran out of time to do this but I wanted to add a second potentiometer to control the y-values.  Would I be able to do this by using the same Arduino code and just adding a second variable or would I have to do something in addition?

ICM: Week 7 – DOM

This week we learned about DOM elements.  For inspiration I used Moon’s workshop example.

Moving Triangle from Lindsey Frances on Vimeo.

After manipulating it a little, I created what looks like abstract butterflies.  Then I added some sliders and buttons to change the colors.  I tried to create a slider to change the amount of “butterflies” but found that since that for loop was in the setup, I couldn’t get it to work.  Would I have to make another function in order to do this?

Butterflies from Lindsey Frances on Vimeo.


  • Is there a reason it is more useful to put HTML and CSS elements in the Javascript file than having them in their own individual files?
  • Is there a way to have font from an HTML element put behind an JS element?
  • Can the font style be put together in one style function rather than multiple lines?

Week 5: PComp

With redoing the Servo lab, I changed the code to make it turn 360 degrees.  However, it doesn’t seem to move a full 360.  Is this just due to the micro servo’s ability or is there something wrong?

Servo 360


Untitled from Lindsey Frances on Vimeo.


Here is a simple application (disclaimer: I do not approve of the use of real guns for this application.)

Servo Movement from Lindsey Frances on Vimeo.



In addition,  to this I was wondering where the Duplex Serial Lab is.  Serial Communication I think I understand to some extent but something is not clicking and I am not exactly sure what it is.

ICM: Week 5 – Galaxies and Synthesis

This week was a two-parter.  The first part was the Synthesis Event.  During this, we partnered up to make a one button system.  For our idea, we were going to make a pick-up line machine that was triggered by a proximity sensor.  Unfortunately, we could not get our system to work.  At the end, the farthest we got was the proximity sensor to give one pick-up line but we couldn’t get it to go through random ones.  I think if we had a little more time, we would have been able to finish it.  It was a great lesson.

Synthesis Project


In the second part of this week, we learned about constructor functions.  For this my intention was to create a galaxy.  My first iteration looked more like a tornado.  While, I think it looks beautiful, it wasn’t what I was going for.

Galaxy Tornado from Lindsey Frances on Vimeo.


My second attempt was a little closer once I decided to use the equation for a hyperbolic spiral but it was too structured and circular:

Circular Galaxy from Lindsey Frances on Vimeo.


After being shown that I can have the angle in the hyperbolic equation be my main variable and use that as the parameter in my for loop, I was able to mess around by adding a spiral function to finally get the galaxy that I wanted:

Galaxy from Lindsey Frances on Vimeo.


The step I couldn’t figure out was how to repeat it after a certain point.  I did learn that if I square the angle for the x in the spiral function, I got an interesting vertical line pattern that moved as if it was coming toward the screen: Square Cosine

Vertical Lines from Lindsey Frances on Vimeo.


Question: What is the best method to restart an object’s function?